Land Use Arranging
LP MR 3 Land Use Streamlining
LP MR 2 Fundamental Offices for Development Labor force
LP MR 1 Fundamental Conveniences inside the Local area
LP Credit 5 Blended Use Improvement
LP Credit 4 Lodging Typologies
LP Credit 2 Green Structures
LP Credit 2 Work Valuable open doors (Post-inhabitance)
LP Credit 1 Social and Social Drives
Site Determination and Arranging
SSP Credit 1 Metropolitan Intensity Island Impact
SSP Credit 2 Neighborhood Organic product and Vegetable Produce
SSP Credit 3 Redevelopment of Defiled Regions
SSP Credit 4 Public Scene Regions
SSP Credit 5 Hold Regular Geology
SSP Credit 6 Protect Existing Trees and Water Bodies
SSP MR 1 Soil Disintegration Control Plan
SSP MR 2 Stay away from Advancement of Unseemly Destinations
SSP MR 3 Neighborhood Guidelines
Transportation Arranging
TP Credit 2 Walker Organization
TP Credit 3 Bike Path Organization
TP Credit 4 Street and Road Organization
TP Credit 1.1 Eco-accommodating Transportation Administrations
TP Credit 1.2 Public Transportation Offices
TP MR 1 Plan for Diversely Abled
TP MR 2 Long haul Transportation Plan
Framework Asset The board
IRM Credit 1 Estimation and Confirmation Plan (Post-inhabitance)
IRM Credit 2 Reused Content (Common Works)
IRM Credit 3 Development Squander Decrease (Common Works)
IRM Credit 4 Off-site Green Power
IRM Credit 5 On location Environmentally friendly power
IRM Credit 6 Energy Proficiency in Infrastructural Hardware
IRM Credit 7 Waste Water Reuse, 75 %, 95 %
IRM Credit 8 Waste Water Treatment, 100 %
IRM Credit 9 Water Collecting, 75 %, 95 %
IRM MR 1 Isolation of Waste (Post-inhabitance)
IRM MR 2 Water Gathering, 50 %
Advancement in Plan and Innovation
IDT Credit 2 Deming rating Certify Proficient
IDT Credit 1.1 Advancement in Plan and Innovation
IDT Credit 1.2 Advancement in Plan and Innovation
IDT Credit 1.3 Advancement in Plan and Innovation
IDT Credit 1.4 Advancement in Plan and Innovation