Site Determination and Arranging
Compulsory Necessity 1 Consistence with Neighborhood Guidelines
Obligatory Prerequisite 2 Soil Disintegration Counteraction and Control
SS Credit 1 Intensity Island Impact on Rooftop and Stopping regions
SS Credit 2 Non Fossil Powering Office for Vehicles
SS Credit 3 Plan for Contrastingly Abled
SS Credit 4 Night Sky Contamination Decrease
SS Credit 5 Tainted Site Remediation
SS Credit 6 Admittance to Public Vehicle/Transport Administrations
SS Credit 7 Essential Conveniences
Water Preservation
Obligatory Necessity 1 Water Gathering, half Rooftop and non-rooftop run-off
Obligatory Necessity 2 Low Stream Water Apparatuses
WC Credit 1 Administration of Water system Framework
WC Credit 2 Water Reaping, 75%, 95%
WC Credit 3 Non-process Wastewater – Treatment, 75%, 95%
WC Credit 4 Water Use Decrease, 20%, 30%
WC Credit 5 Breaking point Turf Region, 20%, 30%, 40%
WC Credit 6 Dry spell Open minded Species, 30%, 40%
Energy Preservation
Obligatory Necessity 1 Without cfc Gear
Obligatory Necessity 2 Least Energy Execution
EC Credit 1 Metering
EC Credit 2 On location Environmentally friendly power, 5%, 10%, 15%
EC Credit 3 Green Power, half, 75%, 100 percent
EC Credit 4 Eco-accommodating Hostage Power Age for Manufacturing plant
Building Necessity
EC Credit 5 Improve Energy Execution, 10%, 12.5%, 15%, 17.5%
EC Credit 6 HCFC Free/Low Effect HCFC Gear
Material Preservation
Obligatory Requirement1 Treatment of Non-process Squander (Post Inhabitance)
MC Credit 1 Waste Decrease During Development, half, 75%
MC Credit 2 Nearby Materials, half, 75%
MC Acknowledge 3 Materials for Reused Content, 10%, 20%
MC Credit 4 Material Reuse, 5%, 10%
MC Credit 5 Guaranteed Wood/Quickly Inexhaustible Structure Materials
furthermore, Furniture, half, 75%
Indoor Climate Quality and Word related Wellbeing
Compulsory Prerequisite 1 Tobacco Smoke Control
Compulsory Necessity 3 Stay away from Utilization of Asbestos in the Structure
Obligatory Prerequisite 2 Least Natural Air Necessities
IEQ Credit 1 Day Lighting, half, 75%, 95%
IEQ Credit 2 Low VOC Materials
IEQ Credit 3 Decrease of Laborers Exhaustion (Break out spaces)
IEQ Credit 4 Eco-accommodating House-keeping Synthetic compounds
IEQ Credit 5 High-impact and Cardiovascular Exercise room
IEQ Credit 6 Structure Flush Out
IEQ Credit 7 Better Outside Air Ventilation
Development in Plan
ID Credit 1.1 Development in Plan
ID Credit 1.2 Development in Plan
ID Credit 1.3 Development in Plan
ID Credit 1.4 Development in Plan
ID Credit 1.5 Deming rating AP