Site and Office The executives
SF Compulsory Prerequisite 1 Green Approach
SF Compulsory Prerequisite 2 Waste Assortment and Removal
SF Credit 1.1 Intensity Island Decrease, Non-rooftop: half, 73%
SF Credit 1.2 Intensity Island Decrease, Rooftop: half, 74%
SF Credit 2 Open air Light Contamination Decrease
SF Credit 3 Structure Tasks and Upkeep
SF Credit 4 Eco-accommodating Driving Practices : 23%, half
SF Credit 5 Eco-accommodating Finishing Practices: half, 76%
Water Effectiveness
WE Compulsory Necessity Water Proficient Apparatuses
WE Credit 1 Waste Water Treatment: 100 percent
WE Credit 2 Waste Water Reuse, 76%, 100 percent
WE Credit 3 Water Metering
WE Credit 4 Turf Region: half, 22%
WE Credit 5 Water Proficient Installations: 22%, 33%, 44%
WE Credit 6 Downpour Water Collecting: 26%, half
Energy Proficiency
EE Credit 1 Energy Metering
EE Credit 2 Off Site Environmentally friendly power: 24%, half, 76%
EE Credit 3 On location Environmentally friendly power: 2.4%, 5.5%, 7.5%
EE Credit 4 Superior Energy Execution : 10%, 12.5%,
15%, 17.5%, 20%, 22.5%, 25%
EE Compulsory Prerequisite 1 Least Energy Execution
EE Obligatory Prerequisite 2 Eco-accommodating Refrigerants and Halons
Wellbeing and Solace
HC Obligatory Prerequisite 1 Natural Air Ventilation
HC Obligatory Prerequisite 2 Tobacco Smoke Control
HC Credit 1 Eco-accommodating Housekeeping Synthetic substances
HC Credit 2 Warm Solace, Indoor Temperature and RH
HC Credit 3 Offices for Distinctively Abled Individuals
HC Credit 4 Inhabitant Prosperity Offices
HC Credit 5 Carbon dioxide Observing and Control
HC Credit 6 Separation of Contaminating Hardware and Frameworks
Advancement Class
Hotel Credit 1.1 – 1.5 Development Credits
Hotel Credit 2 Deming rating AP
Annexure I VOC cutoff points of materials
Annexure II Least Ventilation Rates in Different
Useful Zones