Eco-vision (EC)
EC Compulsory
Eco-vision of the city
Land Use Arranging and Assembled Climate (LPB)
LPB Credit 1 Minimized City Arranging
LPB Credit 2 EWS Lodging
LPB Credit 3 Green Structures
LPB Credit 4 Metropolitan Intensity Island Moderation
LPB Credit 5 Business Open doors
Wellbeing and Prosperity (HW)
HW Compulsory
Prerequisite 1
Conservation and Rebuilding of Water Bodies and
Eco-delicate Zones
HW Credit 4 Public Green and Open Spaces
HW Credit 3 Availability to Public Green and Open Spaces
HW Credit 2 Natural Observing
HW Credit 1 Strong Waste Administration
Economical Versatility (SM)
SM Required
Necessity 1
Maintainable Versatility Plan
SM Obligatory
Prerequisite 2
Boundary free Availability
SM Credit 3 Admittance to Mass Travel Offices
SM Credit 1 Person on foot Organization
SM Credit 2 Bike Path Organization
Water, Energy and Framework The board (WEI)
WEI Credit 6 Water Effectiveness Plan
WEI Credit 5 Water Reaping
WEI Credit 4 Waste Water Treatment and Reuse
WEI Credit 3 Energy Productivity Plan
WEI Credit 2 Environmentally friendly power
WEI Credit 1 Coordinated Utility Organization
Data and Correspondences Innovation (ICT)
ICT Credit 2 Data and Correspondences Innovation (ICT) Applications
Development in City Arranging (ICP)
ICP Credit 2 Development in City Arranging
ICP Credit 1 Qualified IGBC AP Certifications
Annexure 1 Glossary
Annexure 2 Order of Public Green and Open spaces
Annexure 3 Markers for Energy Productivity (Functional Stage)