Deming Rating Green Interiors Rating System

Eco Configuration Approach

EDA Credit 1 Business Rent Term (or) Possession

EDA Credit 2 Tenure in Green Office

EDA Credit 3 Public Transportation Nearness

EDA Credit 4 Improve Course Spaces

EDA Credit 5 Eco Vision for Inside Plan

Water Preservation

WC Credit 2 Water Preservation

Energy Proficiency

EE Credit 1 Exemplified Energy

EE Credit 2 On location/Off-site Environmentally friendly power

EE Credit 3 Energy Metering and The executives

EE Credit 4 Energy Proficient Insides

EE Credit 5 Eco-accommodating Refrigerants and Halons

Inside Materials

IM Credit 1 Acquisition of Green Consumables

IM Credit 2 Eco-guaranteed Inside Furnishings

IM Credit 3 Eco Amicable Wood Based Materials

IM Credit 4 Rescued Materials

IM Credit 5 Reused Content Materials

IM Credit 6 Neighborhood Materials

IM Credit 7 Waste Administration (During Establishment)

IM Compulsory Necessity 1 Isolation of Waste Post Inhabitance

Indoor Climate

IE Credit 1 Devoted Eating Spaces

IE Credit 2 Tenant Prosperity Offices

IE Credit 3 Inside Flush out

IE Credit 4 Indoor Air Quality Administration, During Establishment

IE Credit 5 Low-Transmitting Materials

IE Credit 6 Limit Indoor Toxin Tainting

IE Credit 7 Open air Perspectives

IE Credit 8 Material Acoustic execution

IE Credit 9 Indoor Plants

IE Credit 10 CO2 Observing

IE Credit 11 Upgraded Natural Air Ventilation

IE Credit 12 Daylighting : half, 75%

IE Credit 13 Warm Solace

IE Credit 14 Ergonomic Plan

IE Obligatory Necessity 1 Tobacco Smoke Contamination
IE Obligatory Necessity 2 Natural Air Ventilation

Development in Inside Plan

IID Credit 2 Deming rating Certify Proficient

IID Credit 1.1 Development in Inside Plan

IID Credit 1.2 Development in Inside Plan

IID Credit 1.3 Development in Inside Plan

IID Credit 1.4 Development in Inside Plan


Annexure A Specialized Principles

Annexure B Lighting Power Thickness

Annexure C Cooling spaces

Annexure D Rundown of Indoor Plants

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