Site and Station The executives (SSM)
SSM Compulsory
Prerequisite 1 Green Strategy
SSM Required
Necessity 2 Isolation of Waste
SSM Credit 1 Multi-purpose Suburbanite Transport
SSM Credit 2 Advance utilization of Elective Fuel Vehicles
SSM Credit 3 Widespread Access
SSM Credit 4.1 Intensity Island Moderation, Non-rooftop
SSM Credit 4.2 Intensity Island Moderation, Rooftop
SSM Credit 5 Green Schooling
SSM Credit 6 Station Tasks and Support
Water Proficiency (WE)
WE Compulsory
Prerequisite 1 Proficient Water Installations
WE Compulsory
Prerequisite 2 Downpour Water Collecting, Station
WE Credit 1 Ultra Proficient Water Installations
WE Credit 2 Downpour Water Collecting, Station and Viaduct
WE Credit 3 Water Metering
Indoor Climate and Worker Solace (IEC)
IEC Compulsory
Prerequisite Natural Air Ventilation
IEC Credit 1 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Observing and Control
IEC Credit 2 Segregation of Dirtying Hardware and Frameworks
IEC Credit 3 Daylighting
IEC Credit 4 Eco-accommodating Housekeeping Synthetics
IEC Credit 5 Worker Offices
IEC Credit 6 Reliability
IEC Credit 7 Unwavering quality
Energy Proficiency (EE)
EE Compulsory
Prerequisite Eco-accommodating Refrigerants and sans halon Frameworks
EE Credit 1.1 Energy Proficiency, Foothold
EE Credit 1.2 Energy Proficiency, Non-foothold
EE Credit 2 On location Environmentally friendly power
EE Credit 3 Off-site Environmentally friendly power
EE Credit 4 Energy Metering and The executives
EE Credit 5 Green House Gas Relief
Advancement Classification (IC)
IC Credit 1.1-1.6 Advancement Credits
IC Credit 2 IGBC Licensed Proficient